Shinchō kōki (信長公記 ), is the chronicle of Oda Nobunaga, compiled in Edo period based on records by Ōta Gyūichi (太田牛一 ), a warrior who followed Nobunaga. Shinchō kōki covers from 1568, when Nobunaga entered Kyoto until he died in 1582. The compiled chronicle consists of 16 volumes and is considered "mostly factual"[1] and "reliable"[2]. There are number of manuscripts with different titles, as Azuchiki (安土記 ) and Shinchōki (信長記 )[3]. The Chronicle is not only often quoted on the subjects related to Oda Nobunaga himself, but on other subjects as well, such as the art of tea[4].
Reflecting the popularity of Oda Nobunaga, versions of the Chronicle re-written in modern Japanese that were published in recent years have sold nearly ten thousand copies all together.[5]